Thursday, March 11, 2010

Remember to Look Up!

This morning I saw an amazing sight. I was in traffic, approaching a stoplight at a busy intersection. I looked up to see two crows in flight, chasing a bald eagle! They all swooped down really close to cars. Finally the eagle gave the crows "the slip" for a moment, dove down right behind my truck and carried away a dead squirrel. The birds had been competing over some carrion (dead meat)!

Meanwhile, while the drama unfolded, several people walked by, cars turned, and no one else seemed to see it. It's times like this I wish I had a big sign saying "Look Up!" that I could post on the top of my truck to signal other drivers and pedestrians!

Many times through the years I've seen rainbows, sun dogs, manatees, dolphin, eagles, dust devils, forest name it... but very few others around me see them. And how many times have I been on the reverse side of that, missing something special because I'm not present or forget to raise my head.

So just a reminder, look up!

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