Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 2010 Ecopsychology Events:

Saturday, July 3, 2010 Grounding/Earthing for Wellbeing. Science is finally proving what indigenous and nature people have always known, that there is healing power for us from the energy of the earth itself. It is available free to all of us! Learn basic grounding techniques and experience the changes within you. You will also hear about recent research as reported in the new book “Earthing”, by Clinton Ober, Dr. Steven Sinatra, and Martin Zucker. $10; 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. R.S.V.P. to Annie Cederberg by July 2 at Location TBA

Saturday, July 10, 2010 Kayaking. Trying to put together a kayaking/nature tour. Cost would be approximately $30. I need to know how many people are interested in order to set the details. Catch a cool breeze on the water, gaze into the secret worlds at the bottom of the bay and relax! Please email Annie Cederberg by June 30 at Location TBA based on event enrollment.

Anyone interested in a Paddleboarding (standup on surf board and paddle!) nature trip? Paddleboarding is becoming popular on the East coast of Florida. Supposedly anyone can do it! It’s a great work out, and an excellent way to see Marine Life, even better than kayaking. I’d love to get a trip together. Mark your calendars: there will be a big Paddle- boarding event on July 17, including yoga instruction on Paddleboards! Please email me at if you’d like to be part of a nature trip in the near future.

July 2010 Sarasota Almanac

Full Moon 25

New Moon: 11

Meteor Showers: No major showers

Other Events in the world around us:

Light: starts to decline very slightly from the summer solstice June 21

Temperature: Hot hot and hotter! Gulf water temperature very warm, fueling storms. Summer weather pattern of afternoon thunderstorms.

Foliage: Golden poincianas still in magnificent bloom! Lychees are ripe. Rain or Zephyr (or "Resurrection") lilies in bloom after storms and rain. Also Resurrection ferns have risen from the dead again, due to rain.

Animal Activity: More baby ducks and baby birds (song birds such as Mockingbirds, Blue Jays, Doves, Cardinals, etc.)